Darkest dungeon art leper
Darkest dungeon art leper

Related: Darkest Dungeon 2: Complete Hellion Class Guide Both the Leper and the target become Immobilized.The Leper gains two Bleed upon activating Ruin.The Skill text says that the buff lasts for the rest of the battle, but this is incorrect - it expires at the same time as Ruin.For the next three turns, the Leper gains a twenty-percent damage buff each time he takes damage from any source.The Leper has a fifteen percent chance of gaining a Crit token alongside Strength tokens gained from Revenge.Removes a Weakness token from the Leper, if any.Reduces the number of Vulnerability tokens gained to one.The Leper gains a Strength token at the start of each of his next three turns.The Leper gains two Vulnerability tokens.Reduces the chance of inflicting Blind to sixty percent.Increases minimum damage by one and maximum damage by two.This effect is applied if either target has a Combo token.Seventy-five percent chance of inflicting Blind on the Leper.Reflection no longer requires a cooldown.Increases the Leper's Debuff Resistance by 20 for the next three turns.Removes an additional po9int of Stress.Removes Blind and Combo tokens from the Leper.Heals the Leper for half of his maximum HP instead of one third.The Leper heals for one-third of his maximum HP.Can only be used if the Leper is below one-third of his maximum HP.Increases the Resistance bonus to 25 each.For the next three turns, the Leper gains 15 each Bleed, Burn, Blight, and Move Resistance.The Leper gains a Block token at the start of each of his next three turns.The Leper gains two Block tokens and two Taunt tokens.Clears all corpses on the enemy side of the field.Reduces chance of inflicting Blind to sixty percent.

darkest dungeon art leper

Combo bonus: Blind cannot cause the attack to miss.Has a seventy-five percent chance of inflicting Blind on the Leper.

Darkest dungeon art leper